Score some Disney at McDonald's

Published on 5 February 2023 at 15:06

Hop in the car and head over to McDonald's while Mickey is in stock!!


Our local McDonald's has been handing out these prizes in their Happy Meal boxes and we are stoked! There is a ton of buzz going around this round of McDonald's toys as many people are avid Disney lovers and will do just about anything for ALL things Disney! 


We are also headed on a cruise and those playing cards have been posted in the Fish Extender groups as an idea for a gift! What's a fish extender, you ask? Well, simply put, people put pouch mailboxes outside their cruise door and other cruisers, usually organized in a Facebook group, will put gifts in it! I'm sure I'll go into further detail on this the closer we get! 


**This is not a paid advertisement.

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